Google Mail / Storage Transition FAQ
  • What type of email forwarding service is 足球游戏_中国足彩网¥体育资讯 offering and how does it work?
    • The "" forwarding email address replaces the "" email address. The two email addresses are served by different email systems. The "" email address is served by Google and emails sent to this address are stored on Google servers. The "" is a forwarding service provided by DUO Circle for many institutions including some federal government institutions. No emails are stored on the forwarding servers. All emails to the "" forwarding servers are sent to the private addresses provided to the alumni office at 足球游戏_中国足彩网¥体育资讯 via this form. There is no link between the two services. The Google servers store emails and the Duo Circle servers forward emails to a private destination provided by users.

  • What will happen to my email address?
    • As of December 2021, due to changes in Google's service, email addresses for alumni will be permanently retired. It is important that all alumni who have and use their email address sign up for the email forwarding service and transfer all their contacts, emails, folders and files to an alternate email address and storage option.
  • When will the transition to the new take place and when will it end?
    • The transition from the Google platform has already started. Alumni have until Dec 2021 to sign up for the email forwarding service, transfer all data and folders from their address to alternative storage services and make sure that all important emails, contacts, subscriptions are associated with a new email address. However, you can sign up for an forwarding address at any time.

  • My email address is my primary email address, what should I do?
    • Alumni need to create a new email address, and transfer all contacts, emails, folders and files to an alternate email address and storage option. It is recommended to set up an automatic response (also known as a vacation reply) on your email to give your contacts a new email address to contact you with.  

  • I haven't been able to access my 足球游戏_中国足彩网¥体育资讯 account in a few years, but I'd like to have access to transfer and download all files and data.
    • The help desk can give you temporary access, please email them at


  • If I am a staff/ faculty/undergraduate or graduate student at 足球游戏_中国足彩网¥体育资讯 do I have to worry about this
    • Staff, faculty and current undergraduate and graduate students will continue to use their 足球游戏_中国足彩网¥体育资讯 email address until they are no longer at 足球游戏_中国足彩网¥体育资讯. However, current students, faculty, staff, and department accounts will have a storage limit, projected to be about 15GB placed on their accounts effective early-to-mid 2022.


  • Will the forwarding service be housed through Gmail?
    • The address is a forwarding system that is not associated with Google. It does not have any storage associated with the address.


  • If I don’t sign up for the email forwarding, will I lose access to my address?
    • Yes, alumni will lose access to the address December 2021.

  • What if I want to sign up for email forwarding, but have never had a 足球游戏_中国足彩网¥体育资讯.edu email.
    • You can still sign up for a new email forwarding address. A new email address will be created for you. Just make sure to include a separate non-足球游戏_中国足彩网¥体育资讯 email account. 

  • Will my google drive folders and documents be available to me once I transfer to the forwarding email address?
    • No, alumni will no longer have access to the email address, including Google Drive documents and files. Alumni need to create a new email address, and transfer all contacts, emails, folders and files to an alternate email address and storage option.



  • How can I move my email history to a non Google account?
    • The only way one can move their email history to a non-Google account right now is to use Google takeout as a first step. And then import the emails to their preferred email system. The Google takeout also backs up the entire email system including storage, unless you deselect those options. If the destination email is Microsoft Outlook, you can open the exported Google files (mbox) by installing thunderbird and outlook on your computer at the same time. Thunderbird is free. Thunderbird will help convert the Google mbox into a format (PST) that Outlook can import.
    • Note: There are many mbox converters online. Some are free and others cost money. The Thunderbird option is free and it works on both Mac and PC.


  • Does this mean my current 足球游戏_中国足彩网¥体育资讯 email will not be recognized by Gmail if I try to sign-in after December 2021?
    • Yes, as of December 2021 alumni emails will no longer be in service. 


  • After I get an address, will emails sent to my 足球游戏_中国足彩网¥体育资讯 email be forwarded to my new address?
    • There is no automatic forwarding from your address to — your address will be retired. Please make sure that you move all your important files, folders, contacts to another storage location. You will have to make sure that your subscriptions to emails are also changed to ensure you will still be receiving emails.


  • What happens to accounts and information we have connected to these emails- especially important ones like businesses, Netflix, Amazon Prime, banks etc?
    • Alumni are responsible for updating their subscriptions and services to a personal email address. The email address will cease to exist after Dec 31, 2021.


  • Will my stored emails on my address stay stored?
    • No, alumni will have till Dec 31, 2021 to transfer all contacts, emails, folders and files to an alternate email address and storage option.


  • When I was a freshman at 足球游戏_中国足彩网¥体育资讯, I was told I could use my 足球游戏_中国足彩网¥体育资讯 email after I graduated. Why has this now changed?
    • Google has recently announced significant changes to the services they provide to colleges and universities. As you probably know, 足球游戏_中国足彩网¥体育资讯 uses Google’s platform — consisting of apps and services like GMail, Google Drive, Google Docs, Slides, Sheets etc — as one of its primary digital work and collaboration platforms. 
    • Previously, Google provided institutions with unlimited pooled storage across the College for these services — imposing no limit on the amount of files / storage 足球游戏_中国足彩网¥体育资讯 could use. This will soon change as Google is ending unlimited storage for institutions. All of us will all have to change our overall mindset on file storage and be mindful of the amount of storage space we are using. Unlimited storage is ultimately unsustainable both economically and environmentally, making this transition, while inconvenient, one we all should ultimately embrace.


  • What do I do about my iGrad account that I signed up for using my 足球游戏_中国足彩网¥体育资讯 credentials?
    • If you signed up for the iGrad financial literacy resource using your 足球游戏_中国足彩网¥体育资讯 email, request to have your account email changed BEFORE your 足球游戏_中国足彩网¥体育资讯 email is shut down. Email a request to update your account email from your 足球游戏_中国足彩网¥体育资讯 email address - the current email address associated with the account. iGrad will update your account for you. If your iGrad account email address is not changed before your 足球游戏_中国足彩网¥体育资讯 email goes offline, you will lose access to your iGrad account. Should this happen, you can easily sign up for a new iGrad account using a non-足球游戏_中国足彩网¥体育资讯 email address.


  • How will I access my 足球游戏_中国足彩网¥体育资讯network account without my 足球游戏_中国足彩网¥体育资讯 email?
    • Alumni will still have access to 足球游戏_中国足彩网¥体育资讯network by password login rather than through their 足球游戏_中国足彩网¥体育资讯 login. Career Development will update alumni accounts in 足球游戏_中国足彩网¥体育资讯network with the email address submitted to the forwarding service, or with the alternate email address listed in your 足球游戏_中国足彩网¥体育资讯 account. You can also use this alumni registration form to update your email address and personal information in your 足球游戏_中国足彩网¥体育资讯network account. Career Development will email you when your account is updated through the email address (save this email as a safe contact). Questions? Contact