Grants Committee Recusal Policy

Any grant committee member who applies for a grant will not be part of the review of any of the applications for which he/she is competing, and will recuse him/herself from the entire process for that particular grant program. In this circumstance, consistent with faculty governance, the scoring would still be limited to faculty committee members, as long as a quorum of four voting members scoring and deliberating is maintained.

In the event that more than two committee members apply for a grant within a cycle, the committee would discuss it as a committee and recommend that someone hold back their submission.

In the event that the committee chair is the applicant, they should deputize someone or would have a co-chair run the scoring and decision-making for a grant grouping to which s/he has applied.

Grant Committee members should discuss their plans for grant application at the beginning of the year so as to make sure that the need for recusal is limited to insure a fair distribution of committee labor in the review process.