Ryan Patrick is a curator and writer born in Baltimore.

They have worked on projects at Transformer Gallery and The Corner at Whitman-Walker in Washington, D.C., and at Gloria's Project Space in Queens, New York. Ryan's research interests span queer geographies, public art practices, and critical theory. His writing has appeared in New Art Examiner. 

What are your preferred pronouns? 
Where do you call home?
Reisterstown, MD
What is your program and year of graduation? 
MFA Curatorial Practice, 2021
What inspired you to take the leap of going to graduate school?
To deepen my understanding of art and its role in rebuilding our shared reality.
How has this scholarship impacted your thinking and process during your time in graduate school? 
Immensely. I am forever grateful for being awarded this scholarship, which really allowed me to attend 足球游戏_中国足彩网¥体育资讯 financially. As a curator, receiving a scholarship in the name of Dr. King-Hammond reminds me of the limitless potential and social responsibility of my practice.
What have you been working on? Share the driving questions and inspiration that informs your work as an artist, designer, educator and/or activist. 
How can I take better care of others? Where can I squeeze in as much joy and gentleness as possible? How can I listen more deeply?